Following on reporting this that the Disclosure Act will get a second chance when the Senate reconvenes, it looks like Obama might be getting into the fray, warning today of a "corporate takeover of democracy." Lord knows we can't let that happen!
As the debate heats up, savvy Dems need to be aware that what's currently on the table has a completely bizarre and unacceptable carve-out for NRA -- exempting them from any disclosure provisions.
I applaud President Obama along with Charles Schumer who authored the bill. It is indeed vital that we don't allow corporations to take over the country by subverting the political process with direct buying off of judges and lawmakers. And I further say that this is so important, that we can't weaken bill by making special carve-outs for the this case, the NRA.
Just something to keep in mind as this develops. DISCLOSE Act would increase transparency in campaign spending by corporations and unions, and also ban such spending from government contractors, TARP recipients and foreign entities or foreign-owned subsidiaries. The bill includes a special exemption for the NRA and other large organizations that would obviate them of the need for donor disclosure, which has riled pro-gun control Senate Democrats like Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ). But the report argues that Feinstein and Lautenberg will agree to support cloture (as they did on July 27), and then vote their conscience on final passage. So passage really does come down to the New England Three. And I don’t think just delaying implementation will necessarily be determinative.
(might be nice to give Difi and Lautenberg a ringy-dingy and let them know you appreciate their support of a truly democratic disclosure law -- brook)