Ok Skinner, yesterday I spent more time than I should reading over that epic thread... you know which one it was. Now there were some folks complaining about the bans, the other side... you know the usual crap. BUT... the economy sucks was the true undercurrent in that thread.
I was intending to sit this quarter out. Why? Well we are worried about hubby's job. Instead I ended up doing what I usually do, give for myself and then spread all other donations to buy a few stars. Still, what I read on that thread, and on others, is the economic pain that we are undergoing.
No, buying a star is not going to take food off my pantry AT THIS TIME... or for that matter, does not mean that I cannot go STILL to the movies... (Annie McPhee Returns was hysterical this afternoon, and a tear jerker... and that bird kept reminding us of one of the two conures we share our life with)... but I was going to sit this out.
Not because DU is in fighting mood. IT IS silly season... they keep coming out earlier and earlier every season. Not because we have people who cannot see how (insert here) is blind to their point of view. IT is simply THE ECONOMY STUPID. Hell, we are pinching, still, pennies to a point. And I am sure there is the same thing happening in other places. But some of the stories we all read over the course of the last 24 hours should wake people up... (and yes they are individual stories, not national statistics) of the pain, REAL PAIN out there.
For those who got stars from DU'ers who also reached deep, or as deep as we could... enjoy... but to the site owners, before you think about major surgery realize some of the ahem fighting is because of the real and ugly reality in the real world.