Hill calls for raising the cap on contributions while freezing the benefits to the person paying the contribution above the current level. Sure, others will have their benefit increased, but someone contributing on income above the current cap will not see any return on that money. Oboma's donht hole approach has a more populist feel, because it only screws the truly rich and not people making slightly more than the cap, but it still destroys the underpinning of SS system which is that SS is mandated insurance rather than a simple forced transfer of money.
As in my earlier post, what is described by Hill towards the end of the article is not a fix to the "system" anymore than simply taking money from the general fund without repaying it would be fix to the SS system. Instead it is an admission that the system can not sustain itself.
The article is hardhitting in many ways, though in my opinion simply papers over the main issue. Corporations are behind in their payments to pensions and so many private plans are underfunded. Also state and local government pensions are underfunded. We are simply kidding ourselves if we combine all these pension/retirement benefit systems into one basket to be controlled by the federal governemnt. Social security may be very popular, but it is not well managed as evidenced by the need to resort to taking contributions for which there will be by design no benefit paid -that is no longer mandated insurance, but mandated donation.
The way things are now, risk to retirement benefits is spread among individuals, corporations, local, state, and federal governemnts. Hill proposes that this risk be shouldered to a far greater extent by the Federal government but offers no compelling reason to believe that the federal gov will not screw up this proposed expaned SS program, just as it has screwed up the current SS program, or as many individuals have screwed up their retirement savings, or as many state and local governments have managed to underfund their pension liabilites.
Don't put all your (or even most of) your retirement eggs in one basket!