Sun Aug 22, 2010
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai urged U.S. taxpayers on Sunday to stop paying for outside security contractors in Afghanistan that he said were in contact with "Mafia-like groups" and possibly with insurgents.
"I am appealing to the U.S. taxpayer not to allow their hard-earned money to be wasted on groups that are not only providing lots of inconveniences to the Afghan people but actually are, God knows, in contact with Mafia-like groups and perhaps also funding militants and insurgents and terrorists through those funds," Karzai said.
"Why would an Afghan young man come to the police if he can get a job in a security firm, have a lot of leeway and without any discipline?" Karzai said. "So naturally, our security forces will find it difficult to grow. In order for security forces to grow, these groups must be disbanded."
. . . Karzai said security contractors who protect diplomats and aid workers would be allowed to operate. But he added, "We will definitely not allow them to be on the roads, in the bazaars, in the streets, on the highways, and we will not allow them to provide protection to supply lines. That is the job of the Afghan government and the Afghan police."
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