highlight again and invite people to spread the word about helping to fight homelessness. I just watched a video that made me cry... well, a lot of the ones i watched did, but this family had jobs, a house and two cars and they are living in a weekly rate motel room. i think about when bob and i were living in a weekly rate hotel room and have often wondered how we even survived it. we did it by choice.... waiting for bob to finish the house remodel. these folks have no other place to go and no hope of getting anywhere else.
i often think the reason that people like my own family members protest helping the poor as if they did it to themselves was to make themselves feel better about the fact that many of us could easily be where this family is. and once you are in that position, without help it's almost impossible to get out of it.
Here is the
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zm_YS_ZIY3s">link... i don't know how to embed video.