Organized crime is famous for putting layers and layers of underlings between the capos who order the bloodletting and the button men who pull the trigger. Everyone in the chain of command had "plausible deniability" for anything that happened. But, the Teabaggers, aided and abetted by a compliant media, have an even better organization: none.
They call themselves the "Tea PARTY", but deny that they are a party.
"Everyone is a leader" of the Tea Party, which means that NO ONE is responsible for anything.
They have announced that they intend a "hostile takeover" of the Republican Party, but act offended if someone suggest they are damaging the GOP.
And, of course, since journalism died a couple of decades ago, the above contradictions are never mentioned in the MSM.
Racist signs? "Not us!"
Guns at rallies? "Not us!"
Spitting on black Congressmen? "IF it happened, not us!"
Threats to Democrats? "Not us!"
Disruptions of town hall meetings? "Not us!"
They should re-name their hate-filled movement the "Who, ME? Party".