"I consider radio to be the most modern and the most crucial instrument for influencing the masses.." was a famous and important quote from Goebbels.
His other famous and important quote was...
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."
Full quote,
VolksempfängerThe Volksempfänger (German for "people's receiver") was a range of radio receivers developed by Otto Griessing at the request of Joseph Goebbels.
The purpose of the Volksempfänger-program was to make radio reception technology affordable to the general public. Joseph Goebbels realized the great propaganda potential of this relatively new medium and thus considered widespread availability of receivers highly important.
Volksempfaenger & 1936 Nazi propaganda poster, promoting
the use of the VolksempfängerMore:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volksempf%C3%A4nger More on the use of the radio by Goebbels' "
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ministry_of_Public_Enlightenment_and_Propaganda#Propaganda">Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda"....
RadioThe radio was an important tool in Nazi propaganda and it has been argued that it was the Nazis who pioneered the use of what was still a relatively new technology as a tool of genocide. Certainly the Nazis recognised the importance of radio in disseminating their message and to that end Goebbels approved a scheme whereby the production and distribution of millions of cheap radio sets was subsidised by the government. By the start of the Second World War
over 70% of German households had one of these radios, which were deliberately limited in range in order to prevent them picking up foreign broadcasts. These so-called Volksempfänger featured little beyond propaganda and speeches. Radio broadcasts were also played over loudspeakers in public places and workplaces, where listeners were frequently observed by radio wardens.
More, including links to references here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_propaganda#Radio How many foreign TV news channels are available in the US? How many McDonald's have Faux on 24/7....?