New York TimesPENSACOLA, Fla. – When the year began, the stars could not have shined brighter for Marco Rubio, the fresh voice of newly invigorated conservatives who embodied the change that frustrated grassroots Republicans demanded from inside their own party.
This week, facing a more complicated path to victory than he had anticipated in his race for a United States Senate seat, he is hoping to begin a Second Act.
The Florida primary on Tuesday was once going to be Mr. Rubio’s chance to dispatch his main Republican opponent, Gov. Charlie Crist. But Mr. Crist bolted the party four months ago rather than face Mr. Rubio in the primary and is running as an independent in a three-way race.
Now, facing intense competition for the moderate Republicans and independents who could be the keys to victory in one of the nation’s most closely divided states, Mr. Rubio is seeking to show that he is more than just an insurgent protest candidate – and is breaking with some Tea Party orthodoxy in the process.
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