Dear Friends:
Elections are funny things. No matter how bad all the candidates may be, someone always wins.
In the 1991 Louisiana Governor's race, crooked Edwin Edwards ran against racist David Duke. And this sign sprung up all over the state: "Vote for the Crook. It's Important."
Even if the choices on the ballot come down to stupid versus evil, someone always wins. Sometimes Stupid, sometimes Evil. If you don't believe me, then just watch the Republican primary in my district on Tuesday.
We introduced the candidates to you this week. The racist. The tax cheat. The warmonger. The drunk driver. And Taliban Dan, who wants to prevent battered women from divorcing their husbands.
One of these evil clowns will be my Republican opponent.
Will you contribute to our Money Bomb at, and help to keep at least one evil clown out of Congress?
But whoever wins on Tuesday is not the real opponent. The real opponent is the National Republican Party. And the Executive Director of the NRCC said that I am the Republican's Number One target for 2010.
So I must be doing something right.
As far as the Republican Party is concerned,
they wouldn't mind if Timothy McVeigh wins the Republican primary on Tuesday. (And by the way, if McVeigh ran, he would win.) The National Republican Party doesn't care who wins on Tuesday. They just want to get rid of me.
Whoever wins the Republican primary, you can be sure that he fits the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, hateful, fearful mold that is the National Republican Party of 2010. And that mold gets moldier every day.
Let's send them a message. Their primary is on Tuesday. Our Money Bomb is on Monday, tomorrow. Let's seize the headlines. Let's steal their thunder. Let's show that right still is stronger than wrong.
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Help us win.
Alan Grayson
MONEY BOMB Page Here (Also features info on the Republican Candidates mentioned above):