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Gerald Celente: The Recession is Heading Toward Depression

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Donnachaidh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-23-10 06:23 AM
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Gerald Celente: The Recession is Heading Toward Depression

Aug 22, 2010 -- Raw Story" -- Collapse of middle class means there's no fuel for recovery, Gerald Celente argues

The US economic recovery in recent quarters is little more than a "cover-up" and the world is headed for a "Greatest Depression," complete with social unrest and class warfare, says a renowned economic forecaster.

Gerald Celente, head of the Trends Research Institute, told Yahoo!News' Tech Ticker that there's no risk of a "double-dip recession" because the first "dip" never ended.

"We're saying there's no double dip, it never ended," Celente said. "We're looking at the Greatest Depression. There's no way out of this without productive capacity. You can't print out of it."

Celente, who has been credited with predicting the 1987 stock market crash, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the subprime mortgage crisis of recent years, said the US and other developed countries can expect to see the sort of social unrest the world witnessed in Greece this year once government attempts to shore up the economy fail and lawmakers turn to "austerity measures" to plug gaping budget holes.

"You're going to see it all over the world," Celente said. "What they call austerity programs ... What are they doing? They're bailing out the banks and they're making the people pay for it. And the people don't like that."

Celente pointed to a near-riot that took place last week in Atlanta when 30,000 people showed up to be put on a housing waiting list, saying that the event is a harbinger of what's to come.

He also argued that the way unemployment is measured today masks a much larger joblessness crisis because "once you're off the unemployment rolls, you're no longer unemployed."

Celente said the current unemployment rate, if it were measured as it was measured during the Great Depression, would be around 17.5 percent. And he expects that number to rise to around 22 percent in the coming years.

More at the link ---
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icnorth Donating Member (954 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-23-10 06:34 AM
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1. "Collapse of middle class means there's no fuel for recovery..."
Point. Set. Match.
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