I now see two different Americas.
One is the superpower of economic and military size as well as political reach. This America thus constantly pushes its (not the) form of democracy and freedom (of everything) through the world, be it its "allies" and of course developing countries--whether Least Developed Countries, Middle Income Countries and of course "failed" states. It has (and not just through GWB) pushed these two terms through actual force since the beginning of the Cold War.
The second America is the inside of America. There the phrase/slogan "Land of the Free" echoes all around. Yet, conflict continues to occur. Conflict between racial, religious and choice of sexual orientation (and more). A stark contrast from the America with its wielding hand that preaches the tenets of human rights.
It’s high time both Americas come together or get reformed. This includes all sides of America (all of different political dimensions especially). You can't have an America pushing for democratic principles when American democracy is not perfect. You shouldn't have an America that criticises Uganda regarding its anti-gay bill while inside there is conflict when people of the same sex want to marry. You can't have an America pushing for freedom from fear in other countries when you have an America where religious buildings are politicised.