"Rick Warren, the controversial evangelist Obama invited to speak at his inauguration, told Ann Curry in an NBC interview that, "For five thousand years, every single culture and every single religion has defined marriage as a man and a woman."
In fact, the world is teeming with innumerable examples of “marriage” that would be unrecognizable to Warren and other so-called traditionalists.
Two-spirited ones (formerly known as berdache) were commonly found in many Amerindian cultures. They were either biological males who felt the presence of a female soul so strongly that they chose to live their lives as women or vice-versa, females who chose to live as men. Pedro de Magalhães de Gandovo described such people—whom he called Amazons—in 1576: "The
wear their hair cut in the same way as the men, and go to war with bows and arrows and pursue game, always in company with men; each has a woman to serve her, to whom she says she is married, and they treat each other and speak with each other as man and wife."
The Mosuo people of China practice a form of courtship and sexual interaction anthropologists have called “walking marriage,” which consists of women and men being completely free to sleep with whomever they like, children being cared for by the woman's family—her brothers assuming all paternal responsibility. Biological paternity is a non-issue. Every night is seen as an independent event, with no expectation of permanence or even continuity in amorous relationships.
Among the Canela people of Brazil, "Virginity loss is only the first step into full marriage for a woman." There are several other steps needed before the Canela society considers a couple to by truly married, including the young woman's gaining social acceptance through her service in a "festival men's society," which includes sequential sex with fifteen to twenty members (no pun intended) and "the mother in law's receipt of meat earned by the bride through extramarital sex" on a festival day.
Got that? Part of the marrying process is group sex followed by a gift to the mother-in-law-to-be of meat gained in exchange for gang-banging with men other than the husband-to-be.
Paging Pastor Warren!
For many societies, virginity is so unimportant there isn't even a word for the concept in their language."
It's high time Obama got behind gay marriage - let's face it, if gays hadn't been persecuted by Bible and Koran thumpers for a millennia or two - they would have been getting married eons ago....