I hope you all learned your lesson from this experience. You all should have allowed the process to work--allowing the vetting process to take place to reveal the truth about this candidate, instead of being civil to give him the opportunity to walk away quietly:
Unfortunately, Florida's 24th Congressional District is not immune to the Democrats antics and has found itself defiled by another congressional bribery scandal. Paul Partyka is the former Mayor of Winter Springs and current candidate for US Congress. Mr. Partyka has apparently not been shy about revealing that specific members of Congress have asked him to forgo his Congressional Campaign against fellow Democrat and incumbent Congresswoman Suzanne Kosmas. Mr. Partyka has also revealed that he was offered a large sum of money by a specific Democratic Party Leader if he agreed to forgo his campaign. Mr. Partyka has mentioned that he was contacted by Democrat Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Florida Congressman Kendrick Meek, and Florida Congressman Alan Grayson among others. However, Mr. Partyka has stated that it was Majority Leader Hoyer who offered the bribe. Mr. Partyka has told multiple sources that he was offered $250,000 if he agreed to forgo his campaign against Kosmas.
There are still many questions that need to be answered. Was the $250,000 meant as an incentive to fund another campaign for other political aspirations or simply a consolation prize? Another important question should be whether Congresswoman Suzanne Kosmas had any knowledge of these bribes that were apparently made for her benefit.
According to Mr. Partyka, he told all of them, "to shove it"! However, for the sake of full disclosure and transparency, Mr. Partyka should have immediately reported all money offered, any inappropriate conversations with elected officials, and any attempt by elected officials to inappropriately affect the outcome of an election to the proper authorities so the American people and the Department of Justice could have held those responsible for the bribe(s) accountable for their actions.
http://www.bailoutmainstreetnow.com/home/index.php/top-news/breaking-news/1785-partyka-bribed-by-democrats-to-end-his-congressional-campaign.html- - - - -
The man knows how to play the game, how to hook people in so that they feel compelled to help him or to remain quiet about what they know. And you all fell for it.