By Omar R. Valdimarsson
Aug. 23 (
Bloomberg) -- Singer-songwriter Björk Gudmundsdottir is spearheading a push that one poll shows is backed by 85 percent of Icelanders to put foreign energy takeovers to referenda if enough people oppose the deals.
The popular movement would block an acquisition by Canada’s Magma Energy Corp. of geothermal power generator HS Orka hf, which was approved by a parliamentary commission on March 22. More than 17,000 Icelanders have signed a petition demanding the deal be reversed, about half the number Premier Johanna Sigurdardottir has said should be enough to hold a referendum.
A July 21-28 Capacent Gallup poll of 1,200 voters showed 85 percent “would like to regain the rights to their energy source,” Björk, 44, said in an e-mailed reply to questions. “Why not let the people of Iceland decide? We are asking the government to stop the sale and organize a national referendum on how Icelanders feel about whether access to their energy sources should be privatized or not.”
The government last month ordered an investigation into the takeover after three coalition lawmakers threatened to bring the administration into a minority by withdrawing their support. The findings are due at the end of August. Iceland’s Chamber of Commerce says the move will scare off foreign investors, harm the island’s business climate and hamper any recovery from its 2008 financial collapse. ............(more)
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