Edited on Mon Aug-23-10 06:02 PM by styersc
The bigotry and intolerance that is being demonstrated by right wing nut jobs in regards to the Islamic Cultural Center in New York reminds me of the mini-scandal that surrounded the initial design of a memorial to the victims of 9/11 in Shanksville, Penn.
Anyone else remember when an international design competition resulted in a plan that incorporated a grove of trees in the hallowed field of Shanksville. Right wing nutjobs, led by Tom Tancredo and Michele Malkin, went berserk because the trees were to be planted in a crescent shape, and of course the crescent is sometimes used as a symbol of Islam. They went crazy and eventually the design was altered to suit these dillusional few.
One element of our constitution that sets us apart from nearly every other nation and culture is the rights protected in this country for each of us to practice any belief system, none at all, or one unique to us as individuals. This issue is a rare example of how the "rubber meets the road" and I implore all who value the democratic experiment that is America to stand taut and not give them another victory for the side of ignorance and narrow-mindedness.