Can we not be nuanced? Can we leave sophistication at the entrance. Can we simply say, "Your republican candidate wants to take away your Social Security and give it to BP executives" (or whatever corporate asshole of the week). Rinse and repeat. Don't explain yourself. Don't apologize. Just say it more loudly and assertively. They want to steal your hard-earned money and give it to a man who makes $50 million a year.
Can we just be happy demonizing just for this one election? Can we please NOT try to explain the logical/factual correctness of our positions? Just this once? Bet we'd win pretty easily. I'm tired of playing fair. Facts be damned. I want some good old fashioned demagoguery and demonizing. I want to say things that are only 75% true when we recite specific "facts."
I'm not being sarcastic. Yes, I know, "we'll tell the truth and they'll think it's hell." Harry didn't have to run against Fox news and all the other bullshit filters.
This "mosque" story has simply highlighted what we've all known all along. And I say we use this playbook. It seems to work very well.
By the way, I think they do in fact want to take away Social Security and give it to the "market."