"The oil spill claims process starts over this morning, as the Ken Feinberg-led Gulf Coast Claims Facility takes over from BP PLC.
Feinberg said Sunday in a conference call with reporters that newly trained staff would be ready for a surge of claimants today — a wave he anticipates because the 154,000 claims filed with BP must be refiled under his new process. "
http://blog.al.com/live/2010/08/oil_spill_claims_process_start.htmlI smell something very fishy here. The spill was in April, the summer is almost gone, the resorts have lost business, and they have to REFILE ???????
That may explain those checkless letters from BP's contractor:
BP sends letters with no checks to hundreds of oil spill claimants, as reported in an earlier DU thread.
ORANGE BEACH, Alabama -- On Thursday, Wayne Riser received a letter from BP PLC. The four-paragraph letter twice referred to an enclosed check to compensate him for income that he lost when the Gulf oil spill all but sunk his boat painting and fiberglass repair business. "By cashing this check," the letter said, "you acknowledge that BP has paid this amount as compensation for your claimed losses."
All well, Riser said, except there was no check in the envelope.