OK, so we found out over the weekend that Faux Noise is funding the Cordoba center.
According to the report from Yahoo!'s John Cook, Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, who owns seven percent of News Corp., "has directly funded (Imam Feisal Abdul) Rauf's projects to the tune of more than $300,000."
Cook reports that Prince Al-Waleed's personal charity, the Kingdom Foundation, donated $305,000 to Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow, a project sponsored by two of Rauf's initiatives, the American Society for Muslim Advancement and the Cordoba Initiative, which is building the Manhattan mosque.
That Fox News' second-largest shareholder, after Rupert Murdoch, has financial links to the "Ground Zero mosque" will be seen as ironic by critics of the news network, who have watched with chagrin as the network's talking heads attempt to link the mosque to radical Islamism.
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And today we find out the anti-Cordoba center is being funded by reich wing:
We researched into the people running the 911 Families for America site:
Tim Sumner, a Retired Army Sgt. whose wife's brother was NYFD who died on 9/11. and Debra Burlingame, the sister of pilot of flight 77 that flew into Tower.
Debra Berlingame also is a founder of the site Keep America Safe, along with Liz Cheney and Bill Kristol.
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Many of the latter also Faux Noise contributors.
We are being played like a fine fiddle. It is like two sides of the same coin, Faux News and the Reich Wing create the news,and then create the poutrage to said news. They are drawing us ever inward. Who wins? The MEdia. Cause they now have something for people to choose sides. Only they aren't really sides.