Florida AG candidate's pitch to voters: I'm friends with Fox News
August 24, 2010 4:08 pm ET by Eric Hananoki
A candidate running in today's Republican primary for Florida attorney general is trying to win over voters by touting her connections to Fox News.
The Palm Beach Post reports that attorney Pam Bondi's "frequent appearances on FOXNews over the past decade have turned her into a quasi-celebrity among the conservative faithful and translated into friendships with Sean Hannity, the mere mention of whose name elicits applause from conservative voters on her bus tour, and other FOX favorites. Bondi this week joined Hannity on his 'Freedom Tour' in Orlando and New York, she boasted to crowds in Lake City and Ocala."
The Post added: "Bondi's not shy about dropping the names of her FOX friends. She touts her connections with Hannity and
Palin's endorsement at each of her stump speeches and in Ocala delighted the audience with her praise of the network." (Watch video of Bondi discussing Fox.)
Bondi's official Facebook page contains numerous mentions of Fox News, including posts documenting her appearance on Geraldo at Large; highlighting the Post article about her Fox News connections; and thanking Hannity for mentioning her.