The following is the coverage of the same topic.
One source is Fox News
The other source, National Public Radio
Article Titles: (see if you can guess which is which, the sources are listed at the bottom, not in any particular order.)
"Company Audits Up, Illegal Worker Arrests Way Down Since 2008
Published August 23, 2010"
"Under Obama, More Illegal Immigrants Sent Home"
Now, an excerpt from the content of each, in no particular order, which is which source? Can you guess without looking?
"But under President Obama, the numbers of arrests and deportations of illegals taken into custody at work sites plummeted by more than 80 percent from the last year of the Bush administration. In the current fiscal year 2010, which ends Sept. 30, ICE has arrested 900 workers."
"n fact, the federal government under President Obama has steadily increased the deportation of illegal immigrants. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency says it's on track to expel some 400,000 people this year, 8 percent more than 2008 — the last year of the Bush administration."
Same subject, different selection of facts......which is more comprehensive? Which gives a bigger picture? Which selectively used a single index instead of the complete story?
Which source do you think we deserve, as a well informed electorate?
Now, here are the links, you can (and please do) read both links in full. there ever were a clear example of news media bias, this is one for the books, unless, of course, one chooses to ignore most of the forest and focus upon one little tree.