Drudge Retort (not Matt Drudge's dumb right-wing tabloid site) I find this story from the Nashville area about former middle school football coach
Bryan Glover.
FRANKLIN, Tenn. - Music City is full of songwriters, hoping to land that big break. But a now former Middle school football coach in Williamson County said writing a politically-charged country song got him fired, after it rubbed a few parents the wrong way.
26 year old Bryan Glover is not shy about his political opinions. He is proud tea party Republican and felt compelled to voice his disappointment in the current administration through his music. But he never thought sharing his new song would leave him unemployed.
The song is called, "When You're Holding A Hammer, Everything Looks Like A Nail." It is a reference to Glover's frustrations with the current administration and President Obama. Glover co-wrote the tune with a parent on the Grassland Middle School football team. He never thought sending it out to friends, family and player's parents could put the hammer on the nail of his job with the school.
"Here we are a week before the season starts and they call and say I am no longer with the staff. It's devastating for me," said Glover.
It all stems from an email Glover sent through his personal Yahoo account.
"I sent it 99 percent of the people in my inbox-- all the way from my mom to people I haven't spoken to in years," said Glover.
Unfortunately, Glover's email reached some parents of his football players.
Within hours, parents called the school to complain of the politically charged lyrics and Glover said the principal at Grassland Middle School told the head football coach to release Glover from his position with the team.
"He just said parents were complaining, maybe there was a comment of racial overtones," Glover said,
"I found it amusing," said parent Michael Kasaitis about Glover's country song.
He said no matter the opinion on his music, the link was sent from his personal email account and it is free speech.
"I was totally upset. He has every right to write a song, write a book or to make his opinion known," said Kasaitis.
Some of the lyrics (from the link)
He was a little man, just turned three
Took the present from his daddy's hand
A genuine toy hammer
He started beatin' to beat the band
He hit the floors and the wall, broke a lamp in the hall,
Started swinging at the puppy's tail
When you're holding a hammer
Everything looks like a nail.
He was the president, number 44
He says, "Trust me, I'm here to help you
I have got some big big plans
You're gonna love what I'm gonna do."
There's no problem too big or small
He thinks he's got an answer that just can't fail
When you're holding a hammer
Everything looks like a nail.
He thinks big thoughts and he dreams big dreams
But it's another man's sweat that pays for those schemes
He don't care how the little people feel
‘Cause saving the world is a big freaking deal
So he does his business behind closed doors
And pretends that the world is just begging for more
When the stuff hits the fan he says, "Don't look at me
If you got trouble, blame 43."
And you can listen to this song on Glover's website Or maybe watch the video on the link to "Bryan Glover" I included earlier; it's to a local TV station.