not that there was TOO much doubt with that last name, but my, can you imagine the uproar if he had been jewish?
and then, what if some nice jews decided to build a temple a couple blocks from the murrah building in oklahoma city. can you imagine the right-wing getting all tied up in knots about how THE JEWS were celebrating and dancing on the graves of THEIR victims on hallowed ground at oklahoma city?
fortunately, he turned out to be a christian, so his religion was completely irrelevant. any other religion and it would have been the entire reason why he did what he did, but no, he was christian, so that couldn't possibly be it. must have been political. but then, we'd blame all right-wingers, and we can't have that. so he must have been just some lone nut. nothing to see here, move along.
then those crazy muslins had to go and have an election among their ENTIRE BILLION PLUS POPULATION ACROSS THE GLOBE and unanimously agree to send some suicide hijackers to destroy the twin towers and put a hole in the pentagon. each and every one of them muslins is complicit, so that whole ground zero mosque thingy is really offensive. now, had they been christian, then religion would have been irrelevant. but no, they were muslins, so there you go.