Prior to 1973, when abortion was legalized, there were four maternity homes operating in Louisville, Kentucky. They included the Salvation Army Home, Our Lady's Home, Volunteers of America, and one operated by the Baptist church. With the legalization of abortion, these facilities were closed.
This year, it is estimated that in one downtown Louisville clinic alone, over 4,000 babies will be aborted. Though much effort is being made by those in the pro-life movement, there continues to be a hole in the continuum of services, and what is being done is not enough.
Resources Needed Most by Women Facing Unplanned Pregnancy
* Donated obstetric care (in whole or in part)
* Housing during preganancy
* Housing after birth
* Donated legal assistance
* Monetary aid with bills, groceries, etc.
* Child care for school and work hours
* Experienced mothers, new mother mentorships
* Job training and placement
* Hotline, crisis counseling
* Peer group support
* Ongoing support & counseling
* Parenting classes
* Specialized services for young teens
* Transportation to services
* Post-abortion grief counseling
* Maternity baby clothes
* Aid in communicating with partner or parent
* Financial training
* Mother's Day Out
* Rape or familiy violence counseling
* AIDS, STD referral
* Adoption assistance
* Continuing education assistance
* Assistance in accessing public benefits
* Miscarriage, stillbirth counseling
* Substance abuse treatment referral
* Childbirth, breastfeeding education
* Assistance receiving child support payments
* Support fighting job discrimination when will these people vote Democratic.... or is this all going to get funded with bake sales? Surely this organization isn't going to be asking for government money! Palin and Beck would be so disappointed in them.
And, they've got to pay Bristol $14K