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STOP Energy taxes commercials??? WTF more astroturf bullshit

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DainBramaged Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-25-10 07:54 AM
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STOP Energy taxes commercials??? WTF more astroturf bullshit
Edited on Wed Aug-25-10 07:55 AM by DainBramaged
I turn on M$NBC (whores) and what do I see (other than those two morning pukes, MY EYES STOP THE PAIN) a commercial by 'regular' people spewing energy taxes are bad for all of us. SO I check. It's sponsored by these fucks

Energy Tomorrow

Congress is considering at least $80 billion in new taxes on the oil and natural gas industry, as proposed in President Obama’s fiscal year 2011 budget and in other legislation.

America needs energy policies that help grow our economy, encourage innovation and create jobs. Raising taxes, particularly as the economy is trying to recover from a deep recession, is not the way to achieve these critical goals. As a recent poll indicates, 64 percent of registered voters in 10 states oppose higher taxes on America's oil and natural gas industry — a 2-to-1 margin. This includes 46 percent of voters who strongly oppose these tax hikes. With 15 million people out of work, now is not the time to impose more taxes.

Additionally, an August 2010 study, produced by Wood Mackenzie and commissioned by API, shows examines the effects of eliminating two tax incentives: intangible drilling cost expensing and the domestic production activities (section 199) deduction. The study estimates that the negative effects of tax increases would be worst for natural gas, a clean-burning resource the nation will increasingly rely on to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. When combined with today's low natural gas prices, Wood Mackenzie estimates a total of 300,000 to 600,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d) would be at risk in 2011. In 2017, proposed tax changes could put more than 10 percent of U.S. total production capacity in jeopardy.

What a crock of shit. And does the Administration have a response, no, this fucking commercial is going to run EVERYWHERE and pollute the minds of teh stoopid.
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mike r Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-25-10 07:56 AM
Response to Original message
1. Brought to you by Big Oil (& The Koch Brothers)
Edited on Wed Aug-25-10 07:59 AM by mike r
and the $4 billion in annual tax breaks and $75 million liability cap
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daggahead Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-25-10 07:56 AM
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2. Those ads should be called the ...
..."Please keep our gravy train rolling."
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DainBramaged Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-25-10 02:12 PM
Response to Reply #2
5. And they raped the funds desperately needed for rebuilding Louisiana for themselves
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Liberal In Texas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-25-10 07:58 AM
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3. Well duh. From the American Petroleum Institute. Like they don't have a vested interest
in keeping us addicted to oil. And let me guess, the Koch aristocrats have a hand in it too.

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Lasher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-25-10 07:59 AM
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4. Rachael noted last night...
that astroturf is a petroleum product.
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