Update 3: (H/T to "the OTHER rasmussen") NY Daily News reports the victim's name is Ahmed Sharif who has released a statement through the Taxi Workers Alliance:
***** "I feel very sad," Sharif said, according to a statement released by the Taxi Workers Alliance. "I have been here more than 25 years. I have been driving a taxi more than 15 years. All four of my kids were born here."
Sharif, who was slashed in the throat, upper lip, arm and hand, said he believes the battle over the Ground Zero mosque has inflamed anti-Muslim sentiment in America.
"I never feel this hopeless and insecure before," the Queens man said in the statement. "Right now, the public sentiment is very serious (because of the Ground Zero mosque debate). All taxi drivers should be more careful."
http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2010/8/25/896043/-Updated:-NYC-Cab-Driver-Stabbed-By-Passenger-Who-Asked-Are-You-MuslimFULL TRANSCRIPT:
Interesting background considering the crime. Although, from the NY Post, seems he's got a longstanding drinking problem:
Enright has had run-ins with the law in the past.
He was charged with criminal trespassing and disorderly conduct last year and sentenced to a day in jail.
In 2008, he received two summonses for underage drinking.
http://www.lohud.com/...http://www.lohud.com/article/20108250362http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/08/what_we_know_about_michael_enright.php#moreMan accused of stabbing Muslim cabbie ‘works for pro-Islam group’