from the AFL-CIO NOW blog: 25, 2010
While the nation’s job crisis continues, it would be far worse if Republican congressional leaders had been successful in blocking the economic recovery act.
A new report from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act put 1.4 million to 3.3 million people to work in the second quarter of this year and lowered the unemployment rate by as much 1.8 percent
Vice President Joe Biden says the CBO report is further confirmation of what we’ve been hearing from leading economists, the nation’s governors and families across the country: The Recovery Act is working to rescue the economy from eight years of failed economic policy and rebuild it even stronger than before.
read the full CBO report here: Biden: Stimulus Dollars Fueling Energy and Life-Saving TechnologyRecovery Act dollars fueled major innovative and technological breakthroughs in solar power, electric vehicles, and medical research, according to a new report touted by Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday.
New technology, made possible by the $100 billion stimulus dollars invested in innovation, will cut the cost of solar power in half by 2015 and reduce the cost of electric vehicle batteries by 70 percent in the coming years, the report found.
"The very roots of our growth are in innovation," Biden said.
Due to the Recovery Act, the report says, America is on track to double renewable energy generation capacity from wind, solar, and geothermal by 2012. And the cost of the human genome project, which could help discover new cures and personalize medical treatment, has been reduced significantly. By 2015, the cost of a personal human genome map will be less than $1,000.
As of Aug. 18th, the Department of Commerce has invested $2.78 billion in broadband development and the Department of Agriculture invested $3.3 billion. Of the Commerce money, $125 million went to public computing and $157 million went to sustainable adoption programs that include digital literacy training and outreach campaigns.
read article: Vice-President Biden’s full statement here: Meanwhile, Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio), House minority leader of the party that’s said “NO!” to every attempt in the past two years to get the economy back on track for working families, continues to rant and rave.
In a speech in Cleveland yesterday, he spewed a string of phony claims about the recovery act and other Obama administration economic initiatives. The spin wasn’t surprising, but the scary part was his promise to return to the Wall Street-friendly, tilt-toward-the-rich economic blueprint of the Bush years if Republicans take control of Congress after the fall elections.
read fact check on Boehner’s rant: