Source:"Good news from Google: the search giant has accepted our marijuana legalization ads.
The ads were removed by Facebook, which said the ads featuring a marijuana leaf were in violation of its policy – a decision the social networking site made after serving no fewer than 38 million impressions of the ads earlier this month. The ads will begin running on Google’s advertising network immediately.
Google’s decision to run the ads is an affirmation that the search network is mature enough to run ads that are clearly political speech.
“Facebook’s concocted prissiness over political advocacy is more to be disparaged than imitated. Freedom of expression is made of sterner stuff. Google deserves applause for exposing Facebook to shame.”
Ouch..." more:
Ah, the free marketers will claim "The market responded as it should and a vacuum was filled."
The economic opportunists will claim that "Google is simply reading the polls and hedging their bets."
The chronics will say, "Cool, I didn't know that."
The pundits will say "Smart move, Google, get out in front of this issue."
Constitutional analysts will applaud "The freedom of speech wins again."
I say, "Out of the darkness, into the light."
Just my dos centavos