As many of you know, one of our Equality Coalition members, Dan Manning, is running for Kansas House of Representatives in Wichita. Originally from southern Georgia, Dan is a West Point graduate who served for 8 years in the US Army before being discharged under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Dan has since made Kansas his home and directed his passion for serving our nation in to a campaign to serve in the state Legislature.
Dan’s opponent is long-time incumbent Brenda Landwehr. Landwehr, a notorious far-right conservative, has been a vocal opponent of equal rights for gay, lesbian and transgendered Kansans. Since February, she has used Dan’s sexual orientation to stir up her constituent. She has gone so far as to use language that Dan was told was “too offensive” to repeat.
This weekend, the homophobia and name-calling took a dangerous and criminal turn.
Dan arrived home from work on Saturday to find a death threat attached to his front door. Crudely cut from newspaper headlines was a crass note that read:
“DISTRICT 91 Democrat Dan N. Manning, 29, production supervisor,”
“2010 State House Election”
“Will DIE”
“Head OFF”
You can view a copy of the note (the Wichita Police Department took the original for their investigation) at note is clearly an offensive way to use threats of deadly violence in an attempt to intimidate and silence Dan and his campaign and, by extension, our entire community and our interests in Topeka. Dan has no intentions of backing down and has seen this latest example of bigotry as proof that his campaign must go on. He and his campaign team’s resolve is now stronger than ever.
Dan’s campaign has been a struggle from the first day. While the challenge of defeating a far-right, incumbent Republican in a swing district is one thing, that Dan’s sexual orientation has been used against him in a hateful way is another thing. Dan not being able to count on the support of his own Democratic Party is another thing altogether. Dan has even had party officials suggest that he hide his own sexual orientation and spend the campaign in the closet. Dan needs support, not indifference.
Worse than indifference from the Democratic Party has been the reaction from some in our own community – those whose apathy or resignation has led them to believe that there’s no place for openly gay candidates and leaders in Kansas. Their willingness to surrender the public stage to people like Brenda Landwehr, and to the person who left this hateful message on Dan’s door, is unacceptable. Dan will not surrender, and neither should we.
Extreme violence in politics is a road Wichita has been down quite recently. Until his assassination 14 months ago, Dr. George Tiller endured years of death threats and attempts on his life. Dr. Tiller never compromised on his commitment to women’s rights. Like Dr. Tiller, Dan will not be intimidated into silence, and will not be pushed back into the closet. Dan believes that the only way to respond to those who would silence us is by making our voices louder and more numerous, not by surrendering in silence and fear.
As Kansans, we must send a message to those who oppose us that we will not be intimidated, we will not be forced back into the closet, and we will not be treated as second-class citizens whose relationships don’t matter.
What can we do to make a difference?
• First and foremost, support Dan’s campaign. Money and volunteers are critical in these last two months of the race, and you can offer your support through his website (, or by contacting Dan or his campaign manager, Sarah Anderson. Dan’s email is; Sarah’s is State law limits contributions to House candidates to $500 per donor, and I ask that you give some portion of that amount.
• You can write letters to the editor in support of Dan’s campaign. The website of Wichita’s daily newspaper, the Eagle, is• You can urge the Kansas Democratic Party to fully support Dan’s campaign. KDP’s website is• Support your local Kansas Equality Coalition chapter.
• Consider running for office yourself. The way we will change the political climate in Kansas is to make sure we have a voice at the table. City council races are coming up next winter, and there are many opportunities across Kansas to make change at the local level.
• Tell your friends and family about Dan’s campaign and threats against him, and make a stand against homophobia and bigotry in your own life.
Whatever we do, we must not go backwards.
I’ll close with a quote from Harvey Milk:
“Gay brothers and sisters... You must come out. Come out... to your parents... I know that it is hard and will hurt them but think about how they will hurt you in the voting booth! Come out to your relatives... come out to your friends... if indeed they are your friends. Come out to your neighbors... to your fellow workers... to the people who work where you eat and shop... come out only to the people you know, and who know you. Not to anyone else. But once and for all, break down the myths, destroy the lies and distortions.”
Thomas Witt, Chair
Kansas Equality Coalition