"Even if a defendant was to republish an article from the LVRJ.com website directly, he is not only within his rights to do so, but all users of LVRJ.com are encouraged to do just that. The LVRJ.com website offers and invites its users to 'Save and Share' all of its articles no less than 19 times per article. In addition, the LVRJ.com website encourages and invites its users to 'Email This,' 'Save This,' 'Print This' and subscribe to its 'RSS Feeds.' This not only puts the users of LVRJ.com in a quagmire, but it is the opinion of the defendant that LVRJ.com is guilty of entrapment, or at least setting up the users of LVRJ.com for a potential lawsuit. While the LVRJ.com encourages and invites its users to 'Share and Save' articles a total of 23 times per article, LVRJ.com will file a frivolous copyright infringement lawsuit against its users, if they follow LVRJ's directions and invitations to 'Share and Save' articles published on the website."
http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20100824/04121110756.shtmlEFF Seeks to Help Righthaven Defendants
If you are the target for a Righthaven lawsuit in need of representation, please contact Eva Galperin. Please understand that we have a relatively small number of very hard-working attorneys, so we do not have the resources to defend everyone who asks, no matter how deserving. However, if we cannot represent you directly, we will make every effort to put you in touch with attorneys who can. .
http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2010/08/eff-seeks-righthaven-defendantsFor those that missed DU is being sued by this outfit. Wonder if the jerk is on vacation cause I haven't seen any stories this week on any new suits. I hope it is the fact that sites like DU are fighting back against RH.