Today, the GOP talking point is that Al-Waleed bin Talal is "just an investor," yet how is it that there are photos of him together with Murdoch, and that Murdoch is also invested in Al-Waleed bin Talal's media company? That's not simply an "investment." Why is there no talk of how long he's been a major News Corporation stockholder? Since at least 1997, when he owned 5%. Given the long-term nature of these holdings, the cross-ownership between the two principals, and the fact that they are both international media moguls, wouldn't it be fairer to describe their relationship as a long-term, strategic global business partnership, rather than some chance association?
This is also not the first time Fox has covered Al-Waleed bin Talal. In 2008, in an article detailing the Saudi Supreme Judiciary Council's fatwa against "immoral" media companies, there appears this:
"Among the most viewed Arabic satellite networks is Rotana, which airs movies and music videos. It is owned by Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, a billionaire businessman and member of the royal family whom Forbes ranks as the world's 13th richest person.",4670,SaudiTVFatwa,00.htmlWhy is Al-Waleed bin Talal mentioned by name in the article, when the fatwa in question did not name him (and certainly could not name him, given that he is a Saudi prince)? Did Fox run this article at his behest, to serve as some sort of warning or influence international public opinion? And why, given that his status as a prince and a billionaire and the world's 13th richest person are somehow relevant, is his status as a major New Corp stockholder not also relevant?
Also, Jon Stewart is not the only person to take note of this connection: Joseph Farah of worldnetdaily has also been critical, and he's hardly someone Glenn Beck fans can simply dismiss as liberal.
FOR YEARS Fox has made much of every little connection. You see Glenn Beck with his asinine little charts that aim to "prove" ridiculous assertions on the basis of the most tenuous connections. We're supposed to be very concerned that Muslims want to build a mosque in Lower Manhattan, even though there are already mosques there. We are supposed to be worried that the president is somehow secretly Muslim. We're even supposed to worry that the logo of the Nuclear Security Summit logo somehow resembles a crescent, or that the president shook Chavez's hand. Look at the clip. The president shook Chavez's hand for about a second, and that's somehow concerning, but Murdoch can be in business with HRH Al-Waleed bin Talal for at least 13 years, a known donor to Islamic charities and mosque funder (he's probably built dozens, at least!), someone reputed to send checks to the families of suicide bombers, and yet there's not supposed to be any concern?
It's not that, by showing HRH Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal in a bad light (without naming him, natch) somehow shows that Fox is actually independent of his influence. What it shows is that all the xenophobia, Islamophobia and hatred Fox profits by engineering is all based upon a fraud. Fox is not even sincere in their fear and outrage, otherwise they would never do business with HRH Al-Waleed bin Talal. And if all that outrage is simply a cynical attempt to manipulate people, then you have to ask what else they are lying about.
The last time I checked, it was pretty much everything.