to keep under wraps that in a civil case brought by the King family in 1999 against one of the suspected conspirators, Loyd Jowers of Memphis Tennessee, the jury agreed with the King family that James Earl Ray was not the assassin of MLK and in their verdict found for the plaintiff (the King family). The jury agreed that not only was Jowers guilty of taking part in a conspiracy to kill MLK jr. but other parties to the conspiracy were agencies of the US government.
From a letter by William F Pepper (King family attorney and personal friend of MLK Jr.):
In respect of the MLK case it may be useful for you to run thoughts by me since I still represent the family and monitor developments such as the recent allegations, regarding which the family asked me to respond to media queries. So far as we are concerned the truth about the assassination was fully revealed in court, under oath over a month long trial in late 1999 in Memphis. In Kings v. Jowers, etal, some 70 witnesses completely set out the details and the range of the conspiracy which was coordinated by the US Government with the assistance of state and local officials and on the site implementation of local organized crime operatives.
The entire trial is on the web site of the King Center. It took the jury about one hour to find the Government liable through the actions of its agents. The identities of the shooter and James Earl Ray's handler, Raul, were also established. I am disappointed, but not surprised that one as knowledgeable as yourself does not seem to be aware of the details of the trial. It was blacked out by all of the mainstream -- network and cable -- media. Court TV promised to cover it live but their team was ordered to stay in the hallway outside of the courtroom and only enter when Mrs King or members of the family took the stand. This was the demeanor of the rest of the press corps as well. My final book on the case is finished and it includes a critical analysis of the AG's investigation and all of the government's publicists over the 34 year history of the case. It will be out within the year.
So, John, it is not true that this case is open. It is open, officially, but unlike the other assassinations we know and have evidence of the details of the killing. The family believes that they are completely vindicated. Even the New York Times in a front page piece (never again mentioned, by their local reporter) acknowledged that members of the jury were quoted as saying that the evidence -- never before seen or heard or tested under oath -- was overwhelming. Act of State First paperback edition of the definitive account of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., published on the 40th anniversary of his deathMartin Luther King Jr was the most powerful and eloquent champion of the poor and oppressed in US history, and at the height of his fame in the mid-sixties seemed to offer the real possibility of a new and radical beginning for liberal politics in the USA. In 1968, he was assassinated; the movement for social and economic change has never recovered.
The conviction of James Earl Ray for his murder has never looked even remotely safe, and when William Pepper began to investigate the case it was the start of a twenty-five year campaign for justice. At a civil trial in 1999, supported by the King family, seventy witnesses under oath set out the details of the conspiracy Pepper had unearthed:
the jury took just one hour to find that Ray was not responsible for the assassination, that a wide-ranging conspiracy existed, and that government agents were involved. (emphasis added /JC)
An Act of State lays out the extraordinary facts of the King story—of the huge groundswell of optimism engendered by his charismatic radicalism, of how plans for his execution were laid at the very heart of government and the military, of the disinformation and media cover-ups that followed every attempt to search out the truth. As shocking as it is tragic, An Act of State remains the most compelling and authoritative account of how King’s challenge to the US establishment led inexorably to his murder.
“Within the first chapter, An Act of State presents enough circumstantial evidence to raise questions about Ray’s involvement as the sole assassin.” — Washington Post
“Pepper has gathered an impressive array of testimony and evidence that, even to determined skeptics, throws a major doubt over the state’s case against James Earl Ray.” — Kirkus There is some video of the MLK Assassination Conspiracy trial posted at Youtube that makes for some very compelling viewing, especially if you like courtroom dramas. Go to the Youtube user reprehensor's channel on Youtube
here and you will see on the right side of the page some playlists for attorney William Pepper's opening statements to the jury, Pepper's closing statements to the jury and also the expert testimony on US Government disinformation used against MLK and others as presented by expert witness for the plaintiff attorney William Schaap. Click on the playlist you want to view, and it will show you all the videos in that playlist. Click on the first video and it will play automatically all the videos in the playlist in order.