Good job! Keep up the good work! 2 million more peeps who despise you! :thumbsup: seizes on private-public pay gap as a midterm election issue
By Jared Allen - 08/26/10 06:00 AM ET
Federal workers have become a new flashpoint in the fight between Republicans and Democrats on the economy.
House GOP Leader John Boehner (Ohio) this week blamed Democratic policies for exacerbating a gap in the pay between public and private workers that he claims was rising even as the country suffers through a housing crisis and high unemployment.
House and Senate Republicans already have offered legislation to freeze the salaries of the 2 million federal employees through amendments to economic stimulus bills being ushered through Congress by Democrats. Each effort has failed due to opposition from Democrats.In criticizing federal pay, Republicans appear to be seizing on rising anti-Washington sentiment magnified by the struggling economy.
“These are people who are working in the public interest, and who serve the very public we represent,” Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-Va.) said in an e-mail to The Hill. “Shame on John Boehner for yielding to that temptation for short-term political gain at long-term cost political cost.”