A combination of two U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved cancer drugs effectively reduced HIV replication in the lab, according to a study published in the September issue of the Journal of Virology.
Most of the approved antiretroviral (ARV) drugs are quite potent when used correctly, bringing down HIV by up to a million-fold. They all have a critical weakness, however, which is that over time HIV can mutate to the point where it becomes resistant to the drugs.
Several years ago, scientists began theorizing that it might be possible to use HIV’s ability to mutate against itself. What if, they wondered, HIV could be pushed to mutate so rapidly that mistakes cropped up in the genes of every new generation of virus. Would that defective virus accumulate in such numbers that the infection would burn itself out? This process, called lethal mutagenesis, has been tested with other viruses in small rodents, and it appears that it is at least theoretically possible.
“HIV’s ability to mutate makes it difficult to target and treat,” asserted Louis Mansky, PhD, from the University of Minnesota (UM), in an announcement about his study. “We wanted to take advantage of this behavior by stimulating HIV’s mutation rate, essentially using the virus as a weapon against itself.”
http://www.poz.com/articles/hiv_lethal_mutagenesis_761_18990.shtml?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=poz&utm_campaign=augustWarning:link takes you to a website that is frank about aids.