Edited on Thu Aug-26-10 12:26 PM by Cyrano
I’ve always believed that the much of the American public was dumb, but I didn’t know exactly how dumb until now. Think about it for a moment. How brain dead do you have to be to let a herd of crazy people such as Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Sharron Angle, Rand Paul, and most of the Republican Party drive the national agenda?
The only thing these people have to sell is hatred. It’s their one and only product and it’s flying off the shelves. How incredibly stupid do you have to be to buy the crap they’re peddling?
But here’s the worst part. The Democratic Party doesn’t have a clue as to how to fight them. At every key moment, the Dems have either kept silent, or ignored their own interests. Want some examples? Why was the prosecution of Bush/Cheney “off the table?”
Why isn’t every Dem screaming from the rooftops that the Republicans are trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unions and unemployment insurance?
Why aren’t prominent Dems pointing out that there’s virtually no difference between today’s Republican Party and the KKK?
Why haven’t Dems built think tanks to counter the landslide of shit that flows from Republican propaganda factories like the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute?
Why are we in Afghanistan?
Why aren’t jobs and education on the front burner?
Why is Michael Bloomberg (a Republican) the only one speaking out forcefully for religious freedom (regarding the Islamic center near ground zero)?
Why is Fox “News” allowed in the White House press briefing room when they’re not a real news organization?
Why have so many Dems allowed themselves to be bought and paid for by corporate America? (Yeah, I know. Greed is good.)
The list is endless, so feel free to add to it. But my point is that the Republicans know how to fight for what they want, their major weapons being fear, bigotry and hatred.
Do you suppose the Democrats are willing to get their hands dirty, get down in the trenches and learn how to fight for the people who elected them? If not, why don’t they just surrender now and quit trying to beat the lunatics who want complete control of America?
Edited to add that we need a few hundred more people like Alan Grayson in the congress.