Two New York newspapers received calls from the Bush-Cheney campaign during the Republican National Convention urging them not to run a story suggesting that the campaign manager and public face of the campaign was gay, RAW STORY has learned.
Bush-Cheney campaign manager Ken Mehlman, who is now in the running to be chairman of the Republican Party, has repeatedly refused to answer questions about his sexuality in both public and private settings.
Two of the sources told blogACTIVE, that they had been pressured by the Republican Party to remain silent. The site adds that two New York City newspapers "were called by press folks at the Bush campaign attempting to kill the Mehlman story." So as to protect the reporters involved, this site cannot post the papers' names online. I would say it was Mehlman's business - except for the fact that the damn Bush-Cheney & Repukes were using Gay marriage as a wedge issue and promoting states to have referendums on the ballot so their base would be more inclined to be fired up & vote.