Really? You're gay and you believe in the Republican Party? Why? What has the GOP EVER done for equality for gays?
All I can think of are the things they've done to shove gay people down the hole. Defense of Marriage Act, preserving the sanctity of marriage, gays are coming after your kids, etc., etc., etc. And you, Mr. Cooper, were a part of that.
You stood by and supported these people and allowed them to make all gay people--you included--second class citizens. There are no equal rights, and you helped to make sure there wouldn't be.
I don't understand how people like you can look at yourself in the mirror every day. What are you doing to make things better for gay people? Supporting Republicans sure isn't doing it, no matter how hard you try to convince yourself it is.
Log Cabin Republicans supporting the GOP today do so in defiance of the gay equality movement. It would be like black people supporting segregation, separate white/black rest rooms and drinking fountains in the south in the sixties.
It. Does. Not. Work. Shame on you, you are not helping to solve the problem, you are responsible for making things worse.