Got this email from Sen. Boxer just now. I'm pledging as soon as I get done posting this.
There's a picture of the senator in the email blast, and her hair was perfect! "It's no secret: Carly Fiorina is relying on her multimillion dollar personal checkbook to fund her Senate campaign against Barbara Boxer. In fact, Fiorina and her allies have already reserved more than $7 million in TV time on California's airwaves. Given her personal wealth, I'm sure it's only a downpayment.
But Barbara Boxer has something Carly Fiorina doesn't. You.
You can show Barbara that you are standing behind her by joining with other Boxer supporters in our September 1 "money bomb." A "money bomb" takes our support and commitment to Barbara Boxer and demonstrates the strength of our grassroots effort — on just one day.
Let's generate 10,000 individual donations to Barbara's campaign — and help her campaign break through 100,000 total grassroots donors to-date. Our effort will peak on September 1, the day that Barbara Boxer and Carly Fiorina meet for their debate in the Bay Area. Together, we can show the world that 100,000 grassroots Boxer donors will come together to compete with Fiorina's big checkbook.
Barbara Boxer is continuing the fight for jobs, the environment, equality, good public schools and so many issues we all care about. We can't let Carly Fiorina try to buy the Senate seat with her big checkbook. Carly may have deep pockets — but Barbara has us. Help Barbara fight back by making your pledge to the September 1 money bomb!"http://www.barbaraboxer.com/sep_moneybomb?source=mb_08262010emp