personality Jerry Springer appeared on Sean Hannity's Fox News show today. Hannity opened by summarizing Springer's new game show on GSN,
Baggage. It's a dating show where contestants disclose intimate details about themselves to a prospective date. However, Hannity's conversation with Springer focused on the Obama administration and health care around the world.
Springer, an immigrant from England, worked as campaign aide to Robert F. Kennedy then became a lawyer, Democratic mayor of Cincinnati, TV news anchor, and now TV talk show host (since 1991). After 1993, it became harder to consider his show a legitimate talk show.
Hannity found it outrageous that Springer could say that Obama is doing a good job as president. Then he challenged Springer on why foreigners come to America to get our health care. Springer responded that America had the best doctors, but many Americans couldn't afford them. Springer insinuated that "no serious person" could say that "one president" could fix everything. Digging from his right-wing memo, Hannity began yapping about how the National Health Service in the UK rations health care and leaves women to have advanced breast cancer and accused Springer of "blaming Bush" for our problems when "Clinton inherited a recession" (
not true) and "Reagan inherited a recession" (maybe a bit more true) and Springer shot up and hollered: "I did not mention Bush!"
This 6-minute interview closed today's Hannity show. Although I wouldn't watch Fox News regularly (I watched clips of Countdown with Keith Olbermann online today earlier as I regularly do daily) I found this interview INTENSE. When liberals appear on Fox News, in the end the fool usually is the Fox News dimwit.
(By the way, I've always wondered why I've seen more liberals on Fox News opinion shows than conservatives on MSNBC opinion shows. On the O'Reilly and Hannity shows when I glance there sometimes I see a liberal in the roundtable, like radio talker Leslie Marshall. And then Fox News has its "fake" Democrats like "former Democratic pollster" Pat Caddell, who usually
pushes right-wing BS. Bob Beckel, a Democratic strategist, is a regular contributor to FNC. My guess would be that Olbermann and Maddow push harder against the right than Hannity and O'Reilly can against the left. I've seen the corporate lobbyist Rick Berman, known as an apologist for the fast-food industry, on Maddow's show before.