Yesterday I did my liberal duty and volunteered for a shift working the county Democratic Party booth at the fair. It was entertaining.
The best part was when Walt Minnick came by. Agree or disagree with his politics, that is a very nice man. And I put a big ol' smile on his face: we were talking about what he "needs," and I said we needed to get him about 50 or 60 friends on his side of the aisle in the House, and about seven more people on our side of the aisle in the Senate so there wouldn't be any more filibuster threats, and then started naming some of the Republicans who should go, like John Boehner and Michele Bachmann...he got this "I can't say it out loud but you're right" look on his face.
We only got three Republicans at the booth in my four hours.
Republican 1 wanted "Obamacare" repealed because it wasn't fair that he had to pay for his own health insurance. (Apparently he hasn't actually READ the damn thing because under the current healthcare bill, he still will.)
Republican 2 just wanted to make sure we knew Obama was a Muslim.
And Repuke 3 was the head of the Kootenai County Republican Women, who the booth organizer describes as "ooh, they're so nasty..." She wanted us to demand of Walt Minnick that he vote to repeal the HCR bill--I told her I would be sure to tell him to demand single-payer instead, and she turned a darker shade of red than she already was. Then she demanded us to tell him to close the border. I told her if we just make hiring an illegal immigrant a crime it would solve the problem. And then she starts going into this "oh, I was a schoolteacher in Arizona, I know exactly why they come across the border--for jobs, to commit crimes and to "drop their babies." (At this point I'm thinking of new ways to piss this woman off, because the other two Democrats in the booth are starting to be really entertained.) Next she goes into this shit about how every Democrat gets all his campaign funding from Goldman Sachs, and how they're the most evil bank in the world. So...I finally asked her if she knew what a derivative was. "Oh yes, I know what a derivative is." I told her, "no you don't, because if you knew what one was, you wouldn't be in the Republican Party. It would be far too embarrassing to admit you're partly responsible for destroying the American economy."
Unfortunately for us, she turned purple and left. We were having fun, man!