I've been reading about it which I have no clue why because my stomach feels pretty queazy as it is. But this thing is going to be so overbloated out the ying yang which Faux will then tout not only as a large turn out for Beck/Palin Scammapalooza but whoa look at this - MINORITES!!!! Woohoo it was attended by minorities!
But some of the scams you can expect to see showed ad nauseum by Faux after the event include:
- This event is suppose to be to honor veterans. So there is a chance you might get a few veterans show up that aren't as politically astute as we are not realizing that it's really just a lure to hopefully gather more minorities to their event.
- I've read from several sources that they request no signs be brought to this event. They want to make it about 'honoring our soldiers' which means no signs and it'll harder to distinguish the dingbats from other folks who happen to be in DC including...
- Other march honoring MLK that is lead by MLK's son and Al Sharpton. That will have a strong turn out of minorities so all Faux News has to do is get a few minutes clips of people at that Rally and lump them in with Beck/Palin's rally to make it look 'Diverisified'. Remember this is the network that has labeled every corrupt republican as a democrat including Mark Foley, Larry Craig, Ted Stevens and Mark Sanford. They even used footage of Sherry Sherrod saying that was Maxine Waters. So I really don't hold it past Faux News to do some footage of the other march in DC and try to lump those photos in with theirs.
Personally if I were to road trip to DC for the MLK/Sharpton rally I would hand out signs saying "I'm not with that mockery of a rally by Beck & Palin.
And remember if Faux News pulls this off then CNN & MSNBC (the morning half) will chime in on it solidify the story that Faux invented.