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Fox sends out ambush squad to talk to NYC mosque investors -- but doesn't mention

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cal04 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-27-10 11:49 AM
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Fox sends out ambush squad to talk to NYC mosque investors -- but doesn't mention
Fox sends out ambush squad to talk to NYC mosque investors -- but doesn't mention key Fox investor

One of Fox News' affiliates, WNYW, sent out a reporter named Charles Leaf to conduct an "investigation" of the "money trail" in the patented Fox Ambush Squad style, and yesterday the results ran a couple of times on Fox itself: First Megyn Kelly carried it on her morning "news" show, then Laura Ingraham featured it on The O'Reilly Factor, including an interview with Leaf, who tried to pretend that what he was doing was real journalism.

What's peculiar about this report is that it zeroes in on a few minor functionaries in the financial chain behind the construction of the mosque -- loan guarantors and the like. Leaf invades their homes, follows them into foyers, and tries to run after them in parking lots. All this, ostensibly, to follow the "money trail" behind the mosque.

Of course, they somehow neglected to try talking to one of the imam's more generous backers -- Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal. Maybe that's because Talal is the No. 2 shareholder in Fox News.

Indeed, as none other than Rupert Murdoch's New York Post reported last May, the Kingdom Foundation, al-Waleed's personal charity, has donated a total of $305,000 to Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow, a leadership and networking project sponsored jointly by two of Rauf's organizations, the American Society for Muslim Advancement and the Cordoba Initiative. Al-Waleed owns a 7 percent, $2.3 billion stake in News Corporation. Likewise, News Corporation owns a 9 percent, $70 million stake — purchased in February — in Rotana, Al-Waleed's Saudi media conglomerate. Put another way: Rupert Murdoch and Fox News are in business, to the tune of billions of dollars, with one of the "Terror Mosque Imam's" principal patrons.

more at link with video
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Subdivisions Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-27-10 11:52 AM
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1. All of this is ok...
It's ok to rail against a mosque and to obfuscate the money trail because your serious viewers are stupid as dirt.

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liberal N proud Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-27-10 12:00 PM
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2. Facts and FOX snews are polar opposites
If FOX ever used actual facts on their broadcast, the ears of 20 million conservatives would melt off.
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