I have a problem guys, yesterday I posted a diary (on Kos) and a video ad of a strategy I have that I think could affect the elections.
DU Video post on it
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=385x498936#498978DKos Diary on it
http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2010/8/26/896326/-A-Populist-Progressive-StrategyThe problem wasn't my idea though, everyone who saw it loved it and everyone who actually read my diary loved that even more with comments like
"The Daily Kos diary is a must read. Please, please go there if you do nothing else all day."
Hence the problem is the idea the video are not reaching the right channels.
Yesterday the huffingtonpost had a Republican attack ad on the front page, today they have (surprise) a Republican attack ad on the front page.
I know this ad should go viral, I think my idea should become the base of the Democrats platform for October and every comment everyone has given me thus far has only increased that belief.
So two things
+read the diary + watch the video
+and any help, any ideas for getting this to blow up would be appreciated.
Hell even if you thought this idea sucked! Thats fine, I'd rather hear that than not be heard at all.