One of the most fundamental truths of human psychology is that humans will go to great lengths to justify their behavior no matter how horrible it is. Indeed, the more horrible the behavior the more need for justification. This results in what I sometimes call “the law of opposites”, most famously portrayed in
George Orwell’s 1984 by the phrases “War is peace”, “Ignorance is strength”, and “Slavery is freedom”. Examples from U.S. history include: our brutal treatment of Native Americans and black slaves with the justification that they are “savages”; George W. Bush’s
Clear Skies Act, which enhanced the “freedom” of corporations to pollute our atmosphere; so-called “
tort reform” which primarily places ridiculously low caps on the ability of ordinary citizens to sue corporations for damages;
the claim by those who try to privatize or dismantle Social Security that there motive is to
save Social Security; and the claim that we invaded and occupied Iraq beginning in 2003 for the purpose of bringing freedom and democracy to Iraq, while
killing over a million Iraqi civilians, creating
more than 4 million refugees, and utterly destroying Iraq’s infrastructure.
These distortions of the truth serve two major purposes: 1) They make the actions more palatable to those who otherwise might attempt to impede the actions of the perpetrator; and, 2) they make the actions more palatable to the perpetrator himself, so that he can feel comfortable about his actions.
The psychology of self justification with respect to hatred and violenceThe psychiatrist and best selling author M. Scott Peck describes this phenomenon in “
People of the Lie”. Peck defines an evil person as someone who is totally unwilling to admit fault or to try to understand him or herself. It’s just too painful. So, in order to avoid having to do that, the evil person spends his or her whole life trying to make other people and himself see himself as he would like to be seen, rather than as he really is. That means pretending, lying, killing, or whatever it takes. The bottom line is that no fault of an evil person can ever be corrected because trying to correct it would mean having to admit that it exists.
More specifically, self-justification plays an important role in facilitating most hostile and violent behavior. Once you treat someone badly or unfairly there is the tendency to justify it, which in turn makes it easier to continue. The psychologists Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson discuss this concept in their book, “
Mistakes Were Made (But Not by me) – Why we Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts”:
The same mechanism underlies the behavior of gangs who bully weaker children, employers who mistreat workers, lovers who abuse each other, police officers who continue beating a suspect who has surrendered, tyrants who imprison and torture ethnic minorities, and soldiers who commit atrocities against civilians. In all theses cases, a vicious circle is created: Aggression begets self-justification, which begets more aggression…
The greater the pain we inflict on others, the greater the need to justify it to maintain our feelings of decency and self-worth. Because our victims deserved what they got (we say), we hate them even more than we did before we harmed them, which in turn makes us inflict even more pain on them…
The same concept applies to prejudice against racial or other minority groups:
Prejudice justifies the ill treatment we want to inflict on others, and we want to inflict ill treatment on others because we don’t like them. And why don’t we like them? Because they are competing with us for jobs in a scarce job market. Because their presence makes us doubt that we have the one true religion. Because we want to preserve our position of status, power, and privilege. Because we need to feel we are better than somebody. Because our country is waging war against them. Because we are uncomfortable with their customs, especially their sexual customs, those promiscuous perverts. Because they refuse to assimilate into our culture…
By understanding prejudice as our self-justifying servant, we can better see why some prejudices are so hard to eradicate: They allow people to justify and defend their most important social identities – their race, their religion, their sexuality – while reducing the dissonance between “I am a good person” and “I really don’t like those people”.
An example: Justifying anti-Muslim hatred and violenceToday it is Muslims who are the most widely targeted group of those who wish to incite hatred and violence. I recently received a scary example of this as an e-mail. I say that the e-mail was scary because it was disguised better than most efforts to incite hatred and violence – as testified to by the fact that I received it from someone who does not typically do this sort of thing.
The e-mail came with the subject line “Please forward for history’s sake”. And it ended with the pleas:
This e-mail is intended to reach 400 million people! Be a link in the memorial chain and help distribute this around the world… Do not just delete this message; it will take only a minute to pass this along. Freedom isn’t free…
blah blah blah.
Begin with a valid and important issue – the Holocaust, for exampleOne of the keys to creative and convincing lying and distortion is to mix in some stuff that is genuine. There are few historical events that contain as genuinely important lessons and evoke as much horror as the Holocaust. I have relatives who were its victims, and I have written about it myself, as in an article titled “
Holocaust Denial”.
The e-mail I received is sprinkled with vivid pictures of the Holocaust designed to evoke horror (as well they should), such as this one:

It quotes General Eisenhower as saying:
Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.
I have no idea whether Eisenhower actually said that. And it doesn’t matter if he did or not. If he didn’t say it, he should have said it – or at least someone should have. So far so good. There is nothing wrong with recounting the horrors of the Holocaust or emphasizing the importance of remembering it. Starting the message with a genuine issue gets people to lower their guard and distracts them from the real reason for the message.
Blame it on the target group – without appearing to do soThe next step is to blame the evil event on the target group, but without appearing to do so. If it becomes obvious that the propagandist is trying to blame a particular racial or religious group, he risks being exposed as a liar or a bigot or both. So the strategy is for the propagandist to appear to be motivated solely out of outrage over the genuine event. In this particular message, the propagandist attempts to elicit hatred of Muslims by associating them with the Holocaust.
This week, the UK debated whether to remove The Holocaust from its school curriculum because it 'offends' the Muslim population which claims it never occurred. It is not removed as yet… However, this is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how easily each country is giving into it….
Comment: First of all, Muslims did not perpetrate the Holocaust – It was Hitler and his Nazi henchmen, supporters and followers.
Secondly, it is highly doubtful that the event depicted here occurred. Thirdly, even if that particular event did occur, it is not at all representative. Western nations today are not removing Holocaust teaching from their school curricula. And if they did, the last excuse they would give for it is that it offends Muslims. Few if any Western politicians today are the least bit worried about the political consequences of offending Muslims. Quite the contrary.
And fourthly, Holocaust denial is not a phenomenon that is confined to Muslims. Yes, there are some prominent Muslims, such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who are Holocaust deniers. But Christians too, such as Patrick Buchanan, deny the Holocaust. And Buchanan appears regularly on corporate media talk shows in the U.S. as a typical babbling head. Holocaust denial may or may not be more common among Muslims than it is among other groups. If it is, that should undoubtedly be attributed to the long-running enmity between Israel and Palestinian Muslims. Tie in an event closer to home that was in fact perpetrated by radical members of the target groupThen to rub it in, tie the whole thing up with a very high profile event that actually was perpetrated by radical
members of the target group. This particular message accomplished that task as follows:
How many years will it be before the attack on the World Trade Center 'NEVER HAPPENED', because it offends some Muslim???
Comment: The probability that 9/11 will be forgotten in the United States in the foreseeable future is about as close to zero as one can get. And if it is forgotten, the probability that the reason for it being forgotten would be because of worry about offending Muslims would be less than zero if that were possible.
Furthermore, I’m sick and tired of hearing people say, in their attempts to stir up anti-Muslim hatred, “THEY did this and THEY did that”. Whoever it was in the airplanes that hit the World Trade Centers are long dead. The vast majority of the world’s Muslims had nothing whatsoever to do with it – just as the vast majority of Christians had nothing whatsoever to do with the terrorist bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.The bottom lineThe purpose of the person or persons who wrote and attempted to distribute the e-mail message that is the subject of this post was NOT to help people to remember the Holocaust. The purpose was to associate the Holocaust with Muslims, and thereby stir up virulent anti-Muslim hatred and violence. In so doing, they probably will be successful in inciting the murders, torture, and other abuses of unknown numbers of Muslims throughout the world. With some luck (from their point of view) they might even help to incite massacres and wars.
The “
blood libel”, in which it was alleged that Jews murdered Christian children, was just one of many lies that were used by the Nazis (and others) to incite hatred and violence against Jews. That culminated in the Holocaust.
The supreme irony of the e-mail that is the subject of this post is that the event that the author(s) purported to be outraged about (the Holocaust), and which is the main subject of their message is precisely the same
type of event that they themselves hope to incite. The only differences will be in the magnitude of their success (which hopefully will be orders of magnitude less) and the identify of the target group.