I wonder if the man whose friend was found with life jacket in place, drowned in St Bernard Parish after it flooded ever found peace.
I wonder if the young couple whose car had blown its engine 3 weeks after Katrina hit managed to get out of town, find jobs, a place to live, family, friends.
I wonder if the dentist who donated his land and cabins for clean up crew ever managed to get his business going again.
I wonder if the woman whose baby fell out of her arms when the levee broke has gotten a good night's sleep.
I wonder if the man with carbon monoxide poisoning from his generator suffered any long lasting effects.
I wonder if the child with the swollen face from a tooth abscess had the infection cleared up by the antibiotics a mobile clinic gave him.
I wonder if the families of the elderly drowned in their beds in their nursing home have forgiven themselves.
I wonder if the secretary at Bill Gates Foundation remembers my calling her, sobbing on the phone, asking him to buy a helicopter, fly down and drop water for people at the Convention Center.
I wonder how the friends I made from Katrina, both here and in Real Life are doing.
I wonder how the man sitting on the front steps of his parents non-existent house is doing.
I wonder about the families of friends who died in Katrina, in the flooding, in the aftermath, in the clean up.
I have an emergency kit in the back of my car, could survive a couple weeks if careful. I have enough food/water at home to survive longer. I've bought kits for varied family members who don't have such a thing. It won't be enough. I know my neighbors, have friends and family all over, am willing to work together if/when an emergency happens where I am.
So much I wonder, so much I advise others. Watch for me because I can not.