The Commission everyone is talking about was set up to offer recommendations on how to reduce the Deficit amongst other issues dealing with the Fiscal responsibility of the Government.
Stacked with Republicans the Commission naturally and immediately went off-track and like a moth to a flame zeroed in on the huge Social Security Fund which by now everyone knows has nothing to do with the deficit.
It cannot be repeated often enough. SS did not cause the deficit. And cutting SS benefits will not reduce the deficit.There is absolutely no good reason for cutting benefits. All it would do, if the law is followed, is to increase the already huge surplus in the SS Trust fund. And it would leave seniors who depend on their retirement benefits, with even less money to survive on.
They (our overlords) of course, are hoping to dip into those funds to cover their own debts as they have been doing for decades. And the bigger the surplus the more they can take.
Since they owe the American people for the money they already took does it make any sense to give them more? To increase the debt they already have? A debt they are doing their very best NOT TO PAY BACK? Would you lend a friend who already owed you money and refused to repay it, MORE MONEY?
So why are they even suggesting taking money away from the elderly and disabled? It doesn't make sense. But cutting Government Pensions such as those being paid to Sen. Alan Simpson eg, would reduce the deficit.
William Greider from the Nation in this scathing article on Alan Simpson, the Commission and the media coverage of this issue, makes the suggestion that 'Senator Guttermouth's' pension be cut at least as much as they are proposing to cut from SS benefits.
I think it's a great idea with a direct effect on the Deficit. Is anyone wondering why they have not suggested it themselves???
Alan Simpson, Senator Guttermouth, Spews AgainMeanwhile, if people want to get nasty in return, they might direct some tart reform suggestions to Sen. Simpson and his commission colleagues. In the interest of fairness, for instance, why not cut Simpson's government pension benefits as much or more than they intend to cut Social Security benefits. After all, he can afford it. And Simpson likes to talk about his new knee--recently replaced with a $70,000 operation. Did he pay for his new knee or did the taxpayers? It would be fun to find out.
Nasty? I don't think that's nasty! Nasty is taking away the only means of support, already barely enough to survive on, from the elderly and disabled. Mr. Greider is too nice. He doesn't seem to realize what an excellent idea he has come up with.
But back to the Commission. I was stunned by this casual statement by Greider regarding what the President's plan is regarding Social Security:
Every savvy player in the Capital knows what the president has in mind--whack Social Security benefits to lure Republicans into a grand deal on raising taxes. As I have written more than once, when Washington talks up bipartisan compromise it usually means the people are about to get screwed.
That train is rolling down the tracks now, but don't expect major media coverage to alert the populace. The prestige newspapers are on board for this deal and Obama's commission won't reveal its recommendations until right after the election. Too late for folks to make a stink.
I admit, I had no idea that this was the plan. But it would explain the reluctance of Democrats to come out swinging against even the suggestion of messing with Social Security.
Is this a done deal then? A bi-partisan agreement that the WH gets tax cuts in exchange for letting them get their hands on Social Security? And to do it after the election?
Regarding demanding the removal of Alan Simpson from the Commission, Greider has this to say:
Senator Trash Mouth keeps messing up the plan, however, by provoking outrage with his tasteless zingers. Most recently, Simpson compared Social Security--the federal government's most beloved program--to "a milk cow with 310 million tits." Instead of yuks, the senator got angry blowback--congressional demands that he resign or be fired by the president. Important liberal groups like the AFL-CIO joined the chorus of complaints. Simpson apologized, the Prez stood by him. Personally, I hope Simpson stays on the commission and continues to speak out. He's doing more harm than good for Obama's sleight-of-hand politics.
I agree. Without him we probably would not have a clue what they are up to. I am for disbanding the entire Commission.
Finally, as Greider points out, we The American People are the 'government's biggest creditors, bigger even than China'
This vast wealth belongs to the working people who paid it--not to the federal government or Congress. Naturally, many politicians would like to get out of paying it back, but that constitutes a massive bait-and-switch swindle of working people. Bai and many other reporters of the mainstream media have been assured by their sources it is impossible to pay back that money, but that is a political choice, not a fiscal requirement. It would make working people pay for Republican gravy that went to someone else.
Another way to understand the swindle is to think of working Americans as the US government's largest creditor, even larger than China.
As Michael Moore said in 'Capitalism, A Love Story' ~
We want our money back!And since no one seems to be on our side, it is entirely up to us to get it back and to make sure they do not take any more. How to do this, I don't know. But we could start by calling them and letting them know that if they do not stand up for the American workers, we will not be standing up for them anymore.