is enough to show me in spades that Glenn is every bit as wigged out as Rev. Jim Jones ever darted to be. Beck is too big a coward to ever stop his own clock though. Beck is kind of a cross between Julius Streicher and Pee-wee Herman Goering.
"A time of brutality approaches of which we ourselves can have absolutely no conception." Josef Goebbels, Die Zweite Revolution, 1926
"The Jew is our greatest enemy. Protect yourself from Jews."
"Tolerance is a sign of weakness"
"As to annihilate German Jewry...Let no one doubt our resolution." Josef Goebbels, April 1933
"I have in the course of my political struggle won much love from my people, but when I crossed the former frontier (into Austria) there met me such a stream of love as I have never experienced. Not as tyrants have we come, but as liberators." Adolf Hitler
"Kick out the Jews from the economy and turn them into debtors." Herman Goering
"The Fuehrer could really have picked no better man than Heydrich for the campaign against the Jews. For them he was without mercy or pity." Heinrich Himmler
"No German should be asked to live under the same roof with Jews...we must expel them from our house and living areas."
"It is a shameful spectacle to see how the whole democratic world is oozing with sympathy for the poor. tormented Jewish people. but remains hardhearted and obdurate when it comes to helping them."
"We shall now bring the Jewish problem to its complete solution. because it is essential. because we will no longer listen to the outcry of the world. and because actually there is no force in the world that can prevent us from doing so. The plan is clear: total removal, total separation!"
"Be honest, decent, faithful and congenial toward members of our own blood but to no one else." Heinrich Himmler
"By reason of their birth and race. all Jews are part of an international conspiracy against National Socialist Germany....The treatment we give them does them no wrong. They have more than deserved it." Josef Goebbels
"They broke out crying wailed, screamed. Some tried to escape on the way there but they were shot dead....The condemned were stripped of their clothes. and in groups of three hundred they were forced into the ditches. First they threw in the children. The women were shot at the edge of the ditch, after that it was the turn of the men. Many were covered while they were still alive."
The message of HATE is the same...Substitute any group the hate mongers target today, African Americans, Liberals, Muslim Americans, Mexican Americans, Unionists, Feminists, Gays...for the Jews who the Nazis hated and the message of hate and intolerance is the same. Same shit different assholes. Anyone who doubts the power of greed and stupidity needs to study history.
"Not as tyrants have we come, but as liberators." Adolf Hitler...Could have been George W Bush on Iraq