National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), to me, is racist-sounding. As a personal example, in my younger days, I was a red-head having an abundance of freckles (with freckles remaining to this day). Now if someone had come along and suggested my starting a national organization for people like me, say, the National Organization for the Advancement of Red-Headed Freckled-Faced Boys (NAARHFFB), I would probably, not a little, be put off.
Oh yeah; the NAACP, during its recent national convention at St. Louis, in addition to hanging onto the every utterance of Michelle Obama, I’m sure, also found the time to denigrate, of all things, the Tea Party, or the Tea Party Movement, or a sign somebody once saw at a Tea Party gathering (which they interpreted as) denigrating Colored People in some way. Something like that.
In my numerous attendances to Tea Party events, I’ve seen lots of signs, most of them close to the genius category, most of them hitting the nail directly on the head. Those people are focused and cutting edge. Now it is possible, no, probable, that if some one or some larger number of liberal elected officials happened also to be Colored, the chances are very good that signs have been made and seen at Tea events not complimentary to those liberal Colored elected officials.
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