Beck apparently doesn't buy into the adage that all press is good press. On Friday, the conservative host described a "Good Morning America" segment on the Lincoln Memorial rally he's holding Saturday — on the 47th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" address at the same site — as a "hatchet job" and compared it to Nazi propaganda.
ABC's Claire Shipman is one of many journalists who have reported on the criticism of Beck holding his "Restoring Honor" rally on the anniversary of the King speech. Beck says the timing is coincidental. Civil rights leaders and activists including the Rev. Al Sharpton will hold a countermarch and demonstration in Washington on the same day.
Beck, along with his radio cohorts, took issue with a few parts of Shipman's report, including her saying that it "wasn't so long ago" that Beck called President Obama "a racist" on Fox News. (Beck made the inflammatory comment in late July 2009. Beck also later apologized for the comment.)
Beck, who has criticized the rally backlash, was also bothered by ABC quoting him as saying that "blacks don't own Martin Luther King." Beck says ABC edited the quote selectively, failing to mention he also said that "whites don't own Abraham Lincoln" and that both men are "American icons."