Well, today is the day of the Beck rally for whatever in D.C. And thanks, in part to those of us on the left, Beck is getting the attention and media play that he craves.
It used to be that right wing nutjobs were justifiably ignored. Marches on DC went unnoticed, those on the left didn't get their panties in a twist, and the various movements died from lack of oxygen.
My how the times have changed. Now the left starts cranking up their media machine if some right wing talker simply sneezes. Torrents of vitriol and indignation rush through not just the MSM, but the internet as well. Thousands of hand wringing articles are written and written again. Even here, one can't step into GD or elsewhere without confronting thread upon thread about Beck and his ilk.
Thus, we play into the hands of Beck and his minions. Attention, good, bad or indifferent, has always been grist for Beck's mill. It is what he craves above all, and we here on the left oblige him. And in doing so, all we're doing is helping to pump up the man's reputation and ego. After all, if he is causing this much consternation on the left, then according to conservative logic, he must be doing something right.
Stop it! Stop it right now! Don't continue to feed into the madness. All you are doing is boosting Beck's standing on the right and bringing him the attention he craves.
Beck is stating that he will have 300,000 people on the mall today, though the reality is going to be about ten percent of that. This is far less than the number who attended MLK's original mall speech. The number of Teabaggers in this country is, generously speaking, around 18 million. A little over five percent of the US population.
These people are a tiny, tiny minority in this country, yet by our fear and outrage, we have continued to give them power and publicity far out of proportion to their numbers. This is exactly how a small minority of the German population was able to exercise its will and engender the Third Reich.
Ignore these people, do not give them the power or publicity they crave. They don't deserve all of this horror and outrage that is being poured upon them from the left, they are a small minority of the electorate, and we've seen their ineffectiveness throughout the country as primary season came and went. Don't give Beck the attention he craves, because frankly I think that, unless things change, Beck is playing out his final days in the spotlight. Ignore these people because they are, like Birchers, the American Nazi party, and the KKK, taking such an extreme conservative position that they turn off most normal Americans.
It is a beautiful day outside (at least here it is). Go out and enjoy it. Instead of obsessing over attendance numbers or the outrageous things Beck will say to get attention, take a walk, play with you kids or pets, work in the garden. Do not give Beck and his minions the satisfaction that the left is worried or scared of these radicals. Don't feed into their madness, don't give them a thought. Because otherwise, all you're doing is playing right into their hands.