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Here's how dense the teabag crowd is.

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
CurtEastPoint Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-28-10 09:01 AM
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Here's how dense the teabag crowd is.
Edited on Sat Aug-28-10 09:08 AM by CurtEastPoint
Recently in Atlanta there was a story on (actually, on all the media locally) about a woman and her cancer-stricken 7 year old child who were granted visas so the little girl could get chemotherapy treatments that I assume are not available in their native Barbados.

Seems like the dorks in immigration told the MOTHER she would have to leave 9/2, as her visa was expiring. The treatments were taking longer than expected. Of course, the sick little girl could stay but Mom would have to leave.

Well... I don't know the service (it may be 11alive's own) for comments on stories, but as you can imagine, this one brought out a lot. Now typically, no matter what a story is about, the commenters ALWAYS bring it down to race, liberals, Obama, Democrats... get the picture? On this story, though, amazingly, all comments were of the nature 'how stupid is that? Let the mother stay...' etc.

Enter a commenter named 'TeaBagPlant' Now that caught my eye. This poster, one after another, spewed ALL of the teabagger talking points re: immigration, personal responsibility, blah blah blah.

The other commenters just lambasted 'TeaBagPlant' (and rightly so!) but NOT ONE OTHER COMMENTER even caught on to the fact that this was a satire/parody/spoof. They were taking TeaBagPlant seriously.

One of the best rebuttals to TBP was: Missionary4God wrote:
TeaPartyPlant, God would get me if I would say right now whats in the flesh of me to say to you and all your party members. I've been reminded by God that this battle is not mine nor the woman whose pleading to stay here for the sake of her child, but is "His" (God) and so therefore I wait for the victory that shall come and the plans thats in store for people of your kind. You have no mercy and mercy shall not come to you. You have no compassion and so none is available for you and certainly the kind of love thats in your heart speak from the words you've written. You've judged these people and judgment shall come your way. Blessed be the name of the Lord!!

I SOOOOO wanted to register and write: "You STUPID PEOPLE! Do you not recognize your own O'Reilly/Fox/Beck words?"

I guess I should have figured this would be the outcome since they can't even fucking spell.

Sad lot.

ON UPDATE: Sorry, I couldn't find the original story and comments. Here it is:

And I was wrong...a couple of people later DID say the guy/gal was a PLANT.
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davidinalameda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-28-10 09:04 AM
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